2024 Membership Renewal

If you are a current member of MPRA and are ready to renew your membership, please fill out the questions below.

Please remember that your current 2023 MPRA membership expires on December 31, 2023.

Once submitted, you will receive further instruction. Thank you!

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Please select the membership type that applies.

AGENCY - Agency Memberships are for any public agency on the municipal, county, or state level providing parks and recreation services. An agency membership shall be based on the total number of full-time employees working in the parks and recreation department. Up to nine board members can be added to your membership at no additional charge.
CORPORATE - Corporate Memberships are for for-profit corporations, businesses, partnerships, and firms that support and encourage the purposes of the Association.
ORGANIZATION - Organization Memberships are for academic institutions, military installations or hospitals, non-profit agencies and other organizations providing parks, recreation, and leisure services.
INDIVIDUAL - Individual Professional memberships are for full-time employees of a local, county, or state parks and recreation agency holding a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or possess a professional certification.
ASSOCIATE - Associate Memberships are for individuals employed part-time or retired from the parks and recreation field.
STUDENT - Student memberships are for individuals pursuing a degree in parks and recreation or a related field.